Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeFront OfficeHow to Handle Walk in Guests in Hotel

How to Handle Walk in Guests in Hotel

As you know hospitality sector, a walk-in guest refers to that person who has come to hotel without any prior reservation. Hotels do not have any sorts of obligation to provide proper accommodation to walk-in guests if there is no available room. On the other hand, accommodating walk-in guest can enhance sales and daily occupancy if it is managed properly. If the agent cannot accommodate a guest then he should refer him to the other hotel of that hotel group or any nearby hotel. By this way, if hotels of a locality maintain good relationship with each other then high percentage of such guests can be accommodated.

If you are a front desk agent then follow this guideline to deal with walk-in guests:

  1. Treat the guest warmly with ready smile as like as registered guest.
  2. Create such situation so that the guest does not feel hesitated.
  3. Ask his desire length of stay and room preference.
  4. Check whether such room is available or not in those days.
  5. If not then offer other room.
  6. Quote the room rate and room facilities.
  7. If guest agrees then proceed for reservation otherwise if guest want then send him to another hotel.

Training Video

Click Here to Watch Our Free Tutorial on How to Handle Walk in Guest in Hotel and What is Walk in Guest



  1. thanks to you all for this information,am very please to learn more about hospitality as a whole, please keep send me ,am very thankful to you all.


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