Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeSafety & SecurityHow to Handle Guest Accident in Hotel (SOP)

How to Handle Guest Accident in Hotel (SOP)

Definitely an Accident is an unusual, unexpected incident which may occur in your hotel or restaurant. Although it may not happen regularly but since hotel is a 24 hour running business so you should have all the basic arrangements and knowledge to handle guest accidents in hotel or even in restaurants.

After the guests checked into the hotel, due to various reasons, the accident may have occurred, if the hotel staff to deal with properly, then not only offers additional services that are in different places but also need to care for others travelers, the hotel can be the special care, attention and welcome feeling times, prone to “home” feeling.

  1. Employees if any of the guests found the accident, they should immediately notify the Security Department duty officer’s office or the Duty Assistant Manager.
  2. Duty Office should pager duty security supervisor and the Front Office of the Assistant Manager to the scene the police investigation.
  3. Guests of the accident as a serious matter, the presence of manager should immediately notify the ambulance to the hospital for medical treatment.
  4. Should look for security guards in front of sparse traffic, parking convenient to the ambulance and rescue personnel to the scene guide.
  5. If the hotel guests in the hotel under the scope of injuries, if the doctor or nurse by the hotel deal, the security director should help the injured accident victims to fill out a report form to the hotel for further investigation and documentation.



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