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HomeSafety & SecurityHow to Prevent Accident in Hotel & Restaurant

How to Prevent Accident in Hotel & Restaurant

Accident occurs in everyplace. We don’t have any mechanism to stop accident completely. But yes we can set some standard and follow few tips to prevent accident in hotel & restaurant. Here are few articles we have shared before on safety & security issue:

  1. How to Handle Guest Accident in Hotel (SOP)
  2. How to Prevent Cuts in Kitchen

Now read the following points to understand the basic rules and regulations those are essential to the safety of the employees and the safe operation of the property and follow them in every detail. After that, read the tips to learn about prevention of accidents and first aid at work so as to ensure safety and security.

Basic Safety Rules in Hotel & Restaurant

hotel restaurant accident safety

  • Employ protective equipment and restrictions during entry and exit and show cautiousness in special work areas accordingly.
  • Use handrails on stairs.
  • Do not put so much effort on yourself.
  • Limit stacks of dishes on carts to a height that will not fall if you make a sudden stop.
  • While carrying a service tray, keep the heavy load toward the body.
  • Handle the serving and kitchen dishes with great care.
  • Do not use glasses for scooping ices.
  • Keep all knives in proper storage when not in use.
  • Transport all hot foods by using kitchen rags.
  • Keep restrain yourself from spilling oil or water on the floor and throwing water on any electric outlet.
  • Close gas faucet properly after using the range.
  • In case of fire incidents, call the engineering department, the front office and proceed to fight against the fire with appropriate fire extinguisher and fire blanket.
  • If any accident happens then walk, do not run as your rush could result in an injury to yourself or another employee.
  • Do not engage in horseplay.
  • Report all accidents and injuries or any faulty equipment to your supervisor immediately. Never leave any complaint for someone else to report.
  • Check to verify any equipment before you use it. Never use a machine or equipment that needs repair or tagged as ” out of order “.
  • Unplug electrical equipment before cleaning or servicing it.
  • Use all safety guards on equipment; don’t ignore them.
  • Use the proper and right equipment for the job.
  • Check properly before performing any task and know the right procedure to do it.
  • Turn on the lights before entering a dark room.
  • Be observant while opening all doors.
  • Keep all desks and file drawers closed when not in use.
  • Ensure proper housekeeping service in all areas.

Accident Prevention: Burns and Cuts

  • Ensure that all tools & machinery are in perfect condition and in good position.
  • Always be aware of the location of first aid box.
  • Do not smoke in the kitchen.
  • Be acquainted with the all emergency Procedures.
  • Know the fire Extinguisher methods and the emergency exits.
  • Clean grease from ovens and air condition and air filters on regular basis.
  • Spot hot cooking utensils & tell other associates.
  • Never carry any heavy equipment on your own.
  • Wear proper and closed shoes.
  • Never touch any electric machine with wet hand.
  • Do not pour liquid into hot fat.
  • Hand over knife in the right way and never keep knifes in sink.
  • Do not use knives for opening tins and cans and do not catch a falling knife.
  • Turn off all machinery before cleaning.
  • Remove all glassware from sink after water drains properly.
  • Clean slippery floors at once.

First Aid Procedures

  • first-aid-hotel-restaurant-tipsFirst think then act.
  • Talk to the injured person patiently.
  • Use your common sense to take progressive actions.
  • Clean small wounds with disinfection liquid.
  • Small burns can be treated with cold & ice water without delay.
  • Big wounds and big burns are to be treated by doctor immediately.
  • Remember wounds without blood are more dangerous.
  • Keep your arm straight in case of big cuts.
  • Call your supervisor or in-house doctor immediately for serious accident.


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