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HomeF & B ServiceHow to Serve Tea or Coffee in Restaurant (SOP)

How to Serve Tea or Coffee in Restaurant (SOP)

Tea is an aromatic and most popular beverage made by infusing tea leaves in boiling water. Tea is served either hot or cold. On the other hand, coffee was introduced in Europe in 17th century and from then it gains immense popularity. In the sequence of meal service, coffee is often served last so it is very important to know how to serve these beverage items properly in restaurant to provide last minute satisfaction to guests. Here is the step by step guideline on serving tea or coffee properly in restaurants or coffee shops.

Tips to Serve Tea or Coffee in Restaurant


1: Set up Coffee Order:

  • Never serve that is more than 30 minutes old. Must smell the coffee to be sure it is fresh.
  • If a coffee pot is a one-quarter full or less, start a fresh pot.
  • On a service tray, place the correct number of cups and saucer or mugs, cream, sugar and artificial sweetener.

2: Serve Coffee:

  • Place a coffee pot with fresh coffee on the service tray.
  • Carry the tray to the table. Place the tray on a tray jack.
  • Place the mug or cups and saucer to the right of the water glass with the handle turned to the guest’s right side.

3: Re-fill coffee cups and mugs as soon as possible:

  • Pour from the guest’s right side with the pot in your right hand.
  • Do not pick up cup.
  • Do not ask if guest wants for refill.
  • Pour until the guest signals that he or she has had enough.

4: Place other items on Tray:

  • Place sugar and a creamer on a service tray. Place a clean spoon on a napkin and place it on the tray.

5: Fill Teapots with Hot Water:

  • Place a tea bag and lemon wedges in a small side dish. Place the plate on the service tray.
  • Run hot water from the coffee maker into a clean two cups pot.

6: Serving Hot Tea:

  • Place the mug or cup and saucer on the table with the handle pointing to the guest’s right.
  • Place the teapot and under liner to the right of the cup or mug.
  • Pour from the guest right side with the pot in your right hand.

Training Video

Click Here to Watch Our Free Video on How a waiter should Serve Tea or Coffee at Hotel or Restaurant



  1. Hi!!
    Nicely made your all the content , keep the good work .
    Wish you all the best …
    Shovan Mnadal
    Banquet Manager
    Hilton, New Delhi.

  2. I, am working in the hospitality …industery f/b service is more interasted . I lick it you standerd coffee service

  3. Handle Position.
    I’m quite confused about where the appropriate position should be. I was told 3 o’ clock. And then another time I was told anywhere between 3-6 o’ clock. And now finally I’m told 4 o’ clock. I’m guessing 4 o’ clock is the correct way. What is your insight on this?

  4. Thanks for the step by step information on tea service.. would like yo read some on food service on platter to plate as well as pre plated..

  5. Kindly provide some food knowledge,such as sauce dressing type of soup, different types of salad and other food knowledge.
    Thank you,
    Soaltee crowne plaza
    Kath Nepal

  6. Hi Tanji,
    I guess you can add few more technical things for serivce like….

    * When serving tea in a cup the tea spoon is should be placed at 4,O Clock position….

    *Tea bags standard for tea pots…

    * Different types of coffees like expresso, cappuccino, ristretto, macchiato etc

    However your doing a great job…… Keep it up!!!

    • Mr. Perera if you are interested then please share your expertise. You can write in this blog. I will love to post that with your photo and detail information about you..

    • Just keep in touch and inform your friends. I hope to provide more valuable content as the time progress. This month i am very busy with my personal life but in April i hope to publish an ebook and also some great tutorials for hotelier and hotel management students. Keep commenting…Tanji


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