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HomeF & B ServiceHow to Settle Guest Bill in Restaurant (SOP)

How to Settle Guest Bill in Restaurant (SOP)

Learn about how to settle guest bill in restaurant. There are few methods which we will discuss below:

Basic Steps:

  1. Guest calls for bill.
  2. Waiter goes to the cashier and instructs him to total the check by the table number.
  3. Cashier calculates and totals the guest check including service charge and hands the check to the waiter.
  4. Waiter double checks the bill and places it in the check folder.
  5. Waiter approaches the table and stands straight to the right of the guest and presents the bill in the folder.
  6. Waiter waits for the guest to examine the guest check.

When Guest Pay in Cash:

  1. Verify the cash tendered by the guest.
  2. Waiter takes bill and cash to the cashier.
  3. Cashier returns any change due (to the guest) with the receipt to the waiter.
  4. Waiter verifies the change returned by the cashier.
  5. Waiter gets authorized signature form Manager or his assistant (If applicable)
  6. Waiter returns change, receipt to the guest.

When Guest Pay by Credit Card:

  1. Request the guest to sign to the check and obtains the credit card.
  2. Waiter takes credit card and signed check to the cashier.
  3. Cashier checks the credit card for expiration date.
  4. Cashier obtains approval code.
  5. Cashier imprints credit card on respective voucher and the guest check.
  6. Cashier lists the amount on the guest check on the credit card voucher and also the guest check number.
  7. Cashier returns guest check, credit card and voucher to the waiter.
  8. Waiter presents guest check, credit card and voucher to the guest, requesting his signature on the credit card voucher.
  9. Waiter discreetly checks the guest’s signature against the signature on the back of the credit card.
  10. Waiter returns the credit card to the guest.
  11. Waiter gives the guest copy of the signed credit card voucher to the guest.

When Guest want to charge to guest room :

  1. If guest wants to pay with his room charge, then politely requests the guest to write the room number and name in the apace provided on the check.
  2. Request the guest to sign the check on the line provided.
  3. Verify the check of its legibility and returns the check to the cashier.
  4. Obtain verification of guest’s name and room number by requesting the guest for his/her room key and checks it with cashier against house list.

Training Video

Click Here to Watch Our Free Video on How to Settle Guest Bill in Hotel and Restaurant



  1. Dear sir/madam
    i can find the Sop that can be use only in the restaurant, i will suggest you to guide some sop for banquets, & room Service.
    Sujith Kumar.S

    • I guess a Ebook on those topic with lots of SOP will be a GREAT Collection. I am concentration more on Writing Ebooks. Hopefully i can help lot’s by that way. Anyway, i will keep in mind and try my best, but do remember i am not expert on everything. So, if any of you wish to write any tutorial here then do contact me, You will be cordially welcome…

  2. You should discuss step by step procedure. If you have no prior experience then you should buy some to get conception. Hopefully in future i will publish some Sop or Manual.


  3. dear sir,
    am interested in knowing how to write /compile sops for all sections of f&b outlets; eg. room service, restaurants, bar, setting up of coctail party, preparing for conference rooms etc.

    please give guidelines.
    thank you

  4. Dear Tanji,

    I have visited your Ebook already, it was fantastic you did a very great job even your blog.

    I would like to suggest you to write more about F@B part, did you already got an Ebook about “how to settle guest bill in restaurant” it will be great full if i could get an Ebook as other parts.

    Look forward to seeing your Ebook



    • I really don’t understand what do you want to mean by “Ebook”? I yet not have written any ebook. And after my first publication, which will be on “Handling Guest Complaint” i will write “English for Hotel” Ebook for non English speaker hotelier and after that hope to write some sop on various departments. You can email me for more clarification.


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