Home Dialogue Dialogue: Guest Check Out

Dialogue: Guest Check Out

Scene: Mr. Robert (R) comes to front desk for settling his account. He will check out now so he pays his bill. Front desk agent (F) finishes checking out procedure.

Hotel Front Office Dialogue-Guest Check Out

F: Good morning, sir. Can i help you?

R: Yes please. I would like to check out today.

F: Ok sir. hmm..May i ask your name and room number, sir?

R: I am Henry Robert and i am from room no 812.

F: Wait a minute sir. Yes, Mr Robert. You are from room no 812 and you would like to check out today. Right?

R: Yes.

F: Sir, have you used any of our service today?

R: No. Not at all.

F: Hmmm..OK sir. Here is your bill now. For 5 nights you have been charged for 500 $ 100 $ for each night and other cost is for laundry and room service you made during this time. In total your bill is 612$.

R: Let me check my bill please.

F: Sure sir. No problem. Take your time.

R: OK. I guess everything is OK. Now, i like to pay by credit card. Any problem?

F: Not at all. May i have your card, please?

R: Here it is.

F: Please sign your name here, sir.

R: OK. One more thing. I will leave the room now but one of my friend will come at 3 p.m. Can i wait for him in your lobby?

F: No problem at all sir.

R: Thanks.

F: You are welcome sir. Have a nice day.

Training Video:

You can listen to the whole conversation in this video. Click here: Hotel English Dialogue: Guest Checkout Conversation at Hotel


  1. In addition to Reshma’s comment, please correct this sentence – Please sing your name, sir.

    A new person into hotel industry might catch it and implement it…

    Else it is good for trainers for role plays.


    Anil Dogra


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