Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home10% DiscountHow to Use Discount Code

How to Use Discount Code

Email us for the discount code. Here is how you can use the discount code you have been offered:
  1. Copy the code properly from your email.
  2. Select whatever you want to buy from our site and put everything in your buy list through clicking on Add to cart.
  3. When you are done then you will be transferred to e-junki’s page from where you will click on the right side that says Pay using PayPal and going to pay through PayPal.
  4. Remember just before clicking on PayPal button please paste your discount code and Apply. You should see changes in the total amount.
Please remember to put this very special discount code while you will be redirected to our shopping cart e-junkie. Please put the code properly right before you are going to pay through PayPal.



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